Template features:
- Responsive template
- Bootstrap 4 joomla template
- One page template and multi page
- Floating horizontal menu with two levels
- Dark \ light mode switch from joomla administrator panel or frontend
- 67 Module positions fully collapsible
- 5 columns template
- Template width at your choice
- Slider in template settings with two different styles
- 6 color styles red, blue, green, orange, brown and purple
- Social bookmarks
- Google Analytic
- Custom offline and error page
- Components show-hide on template parameters
- CSS and Javascript Compression
- CSS Based Tables Design
- Mozilla / Firefox / IE8+ / Safari / Camino / Opera / Chrome Friendly
- Template languages : English, Spanish and Italian
- Team module
- Maps Module
- Services module
- Timeline module
- Content Gallery module
- Portfolio module
- Shortcodes plugin
6 color presets
The template comes with 6 different colors: red, blue, green, orange, brown and purple.
Download package include: the pro template, extensions used on demo, logo.psd, template-help documentation and Quickstart for joomla 3.9