Swiper Slider
Is is controlled in the template parameters. Available unlimited photos or videos with title Info and link for each item. The cool feature in this slider is the background color change in every item. The slider has the option to choose for each item the background color of your choice.
Awesome extensions
In this virtuemart template are used two unique extensions, carousel and wall modules. Carousel loads virtuemart products in horizontal slideshow. The number of visible items can be selected in the module settings ( from one till six ). It is responsive and has the option to select visible items for different screen sizes. In both carousel and wall modules, the items have the option to add in card with popup of product choices.
Template features:
- Responsive template
- Helix Framework
- Bootstrap 5 framework
- Background color and image for all parts of the template
- Eight color styles plus custom at your choice
- Unlimited Module positions
- Mega menu builder
- Off Canvas Menu
- Floating horizontal menu
- Logo optional as image or as text
- SCSS Added
- Blog Options
- Integrated Comments
- Social Icons and Social Share
- Ajax Rating
- Go to top
- Custom offline and error page
- Custom CSS
- Custom Code
- CSS and Javascript Compression
- Mozilla / Firefox / IE8+ / Safari / Camino / Opera / Chrome Friendly
- Section module
- VM Wall module
- VM Carousel module
- Newsletter module
- Testimonial module
- Newspost module
- Slider module
6 color presets
The template comes with 6 different colors: red, blue, green, orange, brown and purple. From template settings is very easy to create unlimited color schemas.