Template features:
- Responsive template
- Joomla 3.x template
- Joomla 2.5 template
- Sboost Framework
- RTL template
- 3 kind of menus: Mega, moo or dropdown menu
- 68 Module positions fully collapsible
- Template width at your choice
- 5 columns template with width at your choice
- 3 site layouts left-mid-right, left-right-mid, mid-left-right
- 6 ready styles red, blue, green, orange, brown and purple
- Logo optional as image png or as text
- Top panel
- Socialize icons
- Tabs code
- Dropdown code
- Nice typography and lange short codes
- Custom offline page
- Custom error page
- Google Analytics
- Google Fonts
- Font re-sizer and style switcher
- Components show/hide on template parameters
- CSS and script Compression
- Flexible Layout tableless Design
- K2 component extra style
- W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS 3 Valid
- Languages : English, Spanish and Italian
- Mozilla / Firefox / IE8+ / Safari / Camino / Opera / Chrome Friendly
- Cute gallery header module
- Pricing table module up till 6 columns
- Floating menu module
- Popup module
- Animation menu module
- Google maps module
- Quick contact module
- Tabs module and tabs codes
- Photo gallery module
- Tooltips plugin
Download package include: the pro template, extensions used on demo, logo.psd, template-help documentation and demo installer sql file for joomla 2.5 and joomla 3.1