- Item load - Custom / Module / YouTube Video / Vimeo Video / Google Map / Coupon / Count Down / Coupon with Count Down / Audio Player
- 1 Restrictions
- Set Cookie - Yes/No
- Expiration days
- Date range restriction - Yes/No
- Starting date
- Ending date
- 2 Popup
- Multiple Instances
- Popup Type - delayed / scrolled / exit / instant / none
- Auto Close
- Popup Position - center / topLeft / topCenter / topRight / bottomLeft / bottomCenter / bottomRight / left / right
- Popup animation - fadeIn / zoomIn / zoomOut / slideInTop / slideInBottom / slideInRight / slideInLeft / slideTop / slideBottom / slideLeft / slideRightrotateIn / rotateOut / flipInX / flipInY / swingTop / swingRight / swingBottom / swingLeft / flash / pulse / rubberBand / shake / swing / tadawobble / bounce / bounceIn / bounceInUp / bounceInDown / bounceInRight / bounceInLeft / unFold / flowIn
- Popup Width
- Popup Height
- Animation time
- Popup Background Color
- Popup text Color
- Popup Margin
- Popup Padding
- Popup Radius
- Popup Shadow
- Close Button - Yes/No
- Close Button Style - cancel simple / cancel circle / cancel square / text simple / text label
- Close Button Align - left / right
- Close Button Place - inside / outside
- 3 Overlay
- Overlay Visible - Yes/No
- Overlay animation - fadeIn / zoomIn / zoomOut / slideInTop / slideInBottom / slideInRight / slideInLeft / slideTop / slideBottom / slideLeft / slideRightrotateIn / rotateOut / flipInX / flipInY / swingTop / swingRight / swingBottom / swingLeft / flash / pulse / rubberBand / shake / swing / tadawobble / bounce / bounceIn / bounceInUp / bounceInDown / bounceInRight / bounceInLeft / unFold / flowIn
- Overlay Background Color
- 4 Page Animation
- Page animate - Yes/No
- Background Effect - blur / scale / moveUp / moveDown / moveLeft / moveRight
- 5 Mobile
- Mobile Popup - Yes/No
- Mobile break point - 390px / 420px / 480px / 740px
- Popup Height
- 6 Click Button to show the popup
- Button Enable - Yes/No
- Button Type
- Button Icon
- Scroll on popup - Yes / No
- Buttons position
- Buttons display - horizontal / vertical
- Horizontal position - left/ right
- Distance
- Vertical position - top / bottom
- Distance
- Buttons Radius
- Buttons Text Color
- Buttons Background
- Buttons text effects
- Show tooltips - Yes / No
- Font awesome - Yes / No
- Load jquey script - Yes / No
- Custom Css
Download include: Modals module.