Items Manager
- Image
- Name
- Website Name
- Website Link
- Style - Default / Style one / Style two / Style three / Style four / Style five / Style six
- Blur effect (Yes/ No)
- RTL (Yes for websites with right to left languages / No)
- Item distance
- Version - Standard / Carousel
Slider Settings
- Items - one to ten
- Items (Tab Landscape) - one to ten
- Items (Tab Portrait) - one to ten
- Items (Mob Landscape) - one to ten
- Items (Mob Portrait) - one to ten
- Sliding Time
- Sliding Speed
- Auto play (Yes/No)
- Loop (Yes/No)
- Show arrows (Yes/No)
- Arrows style (top/bottom/center)
- Item distance
- Show next previous items (Yes/No)
Standard settings
- Items - one to ten
- Items (Tab Landscape) - one to ten
- Items (Tab Portrait) - one to ten
- Items (Mob Landscape) - one to ten
- Items (Mob Portrait) - one to ten
Download include: Logo Showcase module.