Team Manager
- Image
- Name
- Main Title - Position
- Main text - Bio
- Telephone
- Use Skills: Skill title, Skill percentage, Skill color
General settings
- Modal pop up: Popup Center, Popup right, Popup left, Slide down, No Popup
- Style: Dark Square, White Square, Dark slide up v1, Dark slide up v2, White slide up, Dark slide up v3, Round, Round Slide up v1, Round Slide up v2, Round Zoom out, Round Card flip, Card Round, Card Square, Card Square v2
- Version: Standard or Slider
- Item Disatance
- Links In new Window
- Load JQuery
3 modal popup
The module has the option of three popup modal: Popup Center, Popup right, Popup left. You may select in the module settings which one is the best for your website layout.
Slider Settings
- Items - one to ten
- Items (Tab Landscape) - one to ten
- Items (Tab Portrait) - one to ten
- Items (Mob Landscape) - one to ten
- Items (Mob Portrait) - one to ten
- Sliding Time
- Sliding Speed
- Auto play (Yes/No)
- Loop (Yes/No)
- Show arrows (Yes/No)
- Arrows style (top/bottom/center)
- Item distance
- Show next previous items (Yes/No)
Standard settings
- Items - one to ten
- Items (Tab Landscape) - one to ten
- Items (Tab Portrait) - one to ten
- Items (Mob Landscape) - one to ten
- Items (Mob Portrait) - one to ten
Download include: Team Members module with 3 different Modal Popup and 14 layout styles.